$17.50 – $35.00
1'+/- seedling in 1 Gallon container
Pick Up Only
Price: $17.50 | Available: 143 |
Cultural Information:
An understory tree that prefers partial shade with some sun for best flower formation. Soil should be deep, moist and cool. It will resent being planted in an open, windy field. There are number of pest and disease problems with this tree.
Associated Species: [6]
Beech, Sugar Maple, White Oak, Northern Red Oak, Black Oak, Tuliptree, Sassafras, Persimmon and Sweetgum.
Field Observations:
A beautiful tree that complements Redbud with early spring flowering. It can grow well in a shaded lawn provided it has some protection from winter winds.
Flowering Dogwood is Native to the following States & Ohio counties