$17.50 – $25.00
2'-3'+ Shrub in 3 gallon Container - Nursery Pick Up Only
Pick Up Only
Price: $25.00 | Available: 52 |
1'+/- seedling in 1 Gallon container
Pick Up Only
Price: $17.50 | Available: 58 |
Cultural Information:
Moist soil in full sun or part shade. Often seen growing side-by-side with Silky Dogwood. A bit smaller than Silky Dogwoods; to 6 feet tall.
Associated Species:
Silky Dogwoods, Nannyberry, Black Oak, Pin Oaks and Shagbark Hickory from personal observations.
Field Observations:
White berries in late August make this an easy species to identify. Grows well and clumps up with multiple stems in a couple of years.
Gray Dogwood is Native to the following States & Ohio counties