$17.50 – $25.00
2'-3'+ Shrub in 3 gallon Container - Nursery Pick Up Only
Pick Up Only
Price: $25.00 | Available: 35 |
Cultural Information:
A highly useful shrub/small tree widely adapted to wet or day soil conditions. Often forms a dense thicket of suckering shoots and trunks. It is easily transplanted and, with a fibrous root system, can be effectively used to stabilize stream banks in riparian areas. Full sun or shade works well.
Associated Species: [6]
In central Ohio Nannyberry is found in association with other riparian species including Blackhaw, Bur Oaks, Hackberry, Boxelder and Silver Maple to name a few. On drier slopes we frequently see it with redbud, slippery elm, black walnut and Hophornbeam.
Field Observations
A very good native shrub in a variety of situations. Showy in spring with white flowers and in fall with persistent purple fruits that resemble dried grapes.
Nannyberry, Sheepberry is Native to the following States & Ohio counties