$15.00 – $35.00
1'+/- seedling in 1 Gallon container
Pick Up Only
Price: $15.00 | Available: 404 |
Cultural Information:
Found in a variety of habitats from moist to dry and from flat to hilly. Moist, slightly acidic soil is preferred. Plant in full sun.
Associated Species: [6]
Hickories, Tuliptree, Sweetgum, Blackgum, Beech, Sugar Maple, Black Oak, Northern Red Oak, Gray Birch, Red Maple, Sugar Maple and Sycamore.
Field Observations:
The most common large oak tree we have in central Ohio is White Oak. The light gray bark looks like it has been dusted by chalk and is easily identified. White Oak leaves have rounded lobes instead of pointed ones. Does not take kindly to having its soil compacted by heavy machinery once established.