$15.00 – $35.00
1'+/- seedling in 1 Gallon container
Pick Up Only
Price: $15.00 | Available: 54 |
Cultural Information:
Largest of our native birches. Prefers cool moist soil conditions and summers that are not hot and dry. If given the right conditions it can grow rapidly (6′ in 2 yrs).
Associated Species: [6]
Beech, Sugar Maple, White Pine, Red Maple and Eastern Hemlock, Pin Cherry, Gray Birch, Northern Red Oak, Black Cherry, Tuliptree, White Oak, Sweet Birch, Eastern Hophornbeam and American Hornbeam
Field Observations:
Catkins persist into winter and are easily collected. Seems to be more common at the foot of hills and mountains where soils are moist.