2019 Non-Native Nursery Stock
Our research has found tree and shrub species which are not native to Ohio but have exceptional characteristics worthy of a home landscape. These are personal favorite species which we grow for fun and are offered here. They are beautiful in their own right and might be able to find a place in your landscape. Stock marked as caliper is sold by trunk diameter. Prices are $100/caliper inch. Please contact the nursery to order.
Amelanchier canadensis, Shadblow Serviceberry, 3 gallon containers at $20.95
Quercus robur, English Oak……….2 @ 1″ to 2″ caliper
Stewartia pseudocamelia, Japanese Stewartia……….18 @ 1/2″ caliper
Taxodium distichum, Bald-cypress……………..4 @ 3/4″ caliper
Xanthoceras sorbifolium, Yellowhorn……………1′-2′ seedlings in Band Pots at $6.95 ea.