$17.50 – $25.00
2'-3'+ Shrub in 3 gallon Container - Nursery Pick Up Only
Pick Up Only
Price: $25.00 | Available: 50 |
Cultural Information:
A great shrub for moist soils or even in standing water along the edge of a pond or lake. Glossy green leaves and interesting flowers make this a favorite for wetland areas. Full sun is best but grows reasonably well in shadier locations.
Associated Species:
Red Maples, Sycamore, Swamp White Oak, Shellbark Hickory from personal observation.
Field Observations:
We have seen this plant growing in the dense shade of a flooded pool in a forest. The area itself probably did not receive any direct sunlight. Growing alongside the Buttonbush in the sticky muck was Skunk Cabbage. The round flowers are quite distinctive and lovely.