$15.00 – $30.00
1'+/- seedling in 1 Gallon container | |
Price: $15.00 | Available: 120 |
Cultural Information:
Plant in full sun in rich, moist soil for best growth but will do well in dryer locations. Leaves often persist through winter.
Associated Species: [6]
Swamp White Oak, White Oak, Northern Red Oak, Black Oak, and Hackberry from personal observation.
Field Observations:
Shingle Oaks are the only oaks native to Ohio that have entire leaves. The strap-like leaves are thick and leathery with a bristle-like tip. There are a good numbers of shingle oaks in the central Ohio area but they do not seem to have heavy seed production. In some years we’ve resorted to picking the seeds from the trees to beat the squirrels.