Below is a listing of all trees that we offer (separated by wetland indicator status).

You can also view all species in a county & state, a certain wetland indicator status, or view an alphabetical list of all species we offer.

C of C Definition: A number assigned to native plants based on its fidelity to a natural community. A species with a low fidelity to a specific community will have a very low coefficient of conservation (C of C = 0 – 2). A species with high fidelity to a very specific community will be much closer to the maximum coefficient of conservation (C of C = 10).



Black Willow C of C: 2
Scientific Name: Salix nigra

Swamp White Oak C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Quercus bicolor


Sandbar Willow C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Salix interior

Cow Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak C of C:
Scientific Name: Quercus michauxii

Pin Oak C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Quercus palustris


American Sycamore C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Platanus occidentalis


Shumard Oak C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Quercus shumardii


Shingle Oak C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Quercus imbricaria

Silver Maple C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Acer saccharinum

Blackgum, Sourgum, Tupelo C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Nyssa sylvatica


Downy Serviceberry, Shadbush, Juneberry C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Amelanchier arborea

Bur Oak C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa



Northern Catalpa C of C:
Scientific Name: Catalpa speciosa

Quaking Aspen C of C: 2
Scientific Name: Populus tremuloides


American Plum, Wild Plum C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Prunus americana


Scarlet Oak C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Quercus coccinea

Chinkapin Oak C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Quercus muehlenbergii

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