Below is a list of native trees and shrubs for this county that we normally have in production.


Black Willow C of C: 2
Scientific Name: Salix nigra

Swamp White Oak C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Quercus bicolor

Pin Oak C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Quercus palustris

American Sycamore C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Platanus occidentalis

Shingle Oak C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Quercus imbricaria

Silver Maple C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Acer saccharinum

Blackgum, Sourgum, Tupelo C of C: 7
Scientific Name: Nyssa sylvatica

Bur Oak C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa

Quaking Aspen C of C: 2
Scientific Name: Populus tremuloides

American Plum, Wild Plum C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Prunus americana


Swamp Rose C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Rosa palustris

Buttonbush C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis

Common Elderberry C of C: 3
Scientific Name: Sambucus canadensis

Winterberry Holly C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Ilex verticillata

Black Chokeberry C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Aronia melanocarpa

Bladdernut C of C: 6
Scientific Name: Staphylea trifolia

Nannyberry, Sheepberry C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Viburnun lentago

Meadow Rose, Smooth Rose C of C: 4
Scientific Name: Rosa blanda

Climbing Rose, Prairie Rose C of C: 4
Scientific Name: Rosa setigera

Blackhaw C of C: 4
Scientific Name: Viburnun prunifolium

Hazel, American Filbert C of C: 4
Scientific Name: Corylus americana

Pasture Rose, Wild Rose C of C: 4
Scientific Name: Rosa carolina

Pagoda Dogwood C of C: 5
Scientific Name: Cornus alternifolia